RMP’s Civic Influencers Champion SB24-164: Institution of Higher Education Transparency Requirements

RMP Civic Influencer Council Chair Gabriela Chavez testifies in front of the Senate Education Committee.

In a significant stride towards enhancing higher education accessibility and transparency, three of RMP’s Civic Influencers stepped up to the plate, testifying in support of SB24-164: Institution of Higher Education Transparency Requirements. This legislation aims to streamline processes for students in higher education, particularly focusing on cost transparency and facilitating smoother credit transfers between institutions.

RMP Civic Influencer Lizz Valeria Decanini testifies in front of the Senate Education Committee.

RMP’s Civic Influencers, a cohort of proactive young individuals aged 16-24, are equipped with training, mentorship, and resourced to engage directly with decision-makers and practitioners. Drawing from their personal experiences, several of these influencers possess firsthand insights into the challenges of credit transfers between educational institutions. Thus, their advocacy for SB24-164 holds substantial weight, reflecting the voices of those most affected by these systemic hurdles.

“Luck should not define the amount of work a student needs to put into their education upon transferring. Fluke and happenstance have no place in any postsecondary education program, and I beg for my fellow students to not have to rely on rabbit’s feet or four-leaf clovers to have transfer credits accepted.”

Sarah Justice Hughes, RMP Civic Influencer


The bill passed the committee and is now headed to the floor, marking a significant milestone in the journey towards fostering a more equitable and accessible higher education landscape. SB24-164 signifies a beacon of hope for countless students navigating the complexities of academic transitions, promising a future where educational pathways are smoother and more transparent than ever before.

Left to Right: Katie Zaback (Vice President of Policy for Colorado Succeeds), Gabriela Chavez (RMP Civic Influencer), Senator Janet Buckner, Lizz Valeria Decanini (RMP Civic Influencer), Lisandra Gonzales (RMP CEO), Senator Kevin Priola

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