Our Work

High Impact Projects (HIPs)

Strategy #2: Launching and Supporting High Impact Projects (HIPs)

Our second strategy is about tackling challenges that are too big for any single organization to handle alone. High Impact Projects (HIPs) are groundbreaking initiatives designed to address the root causes hindering children and young people from achieving success, from early childhood through to their careers. These projects fill the critical gaps in our collective efforts to meet Cradle to Career milestones, identified through key drivers and thorough assessments.

What Are HIPs?

HIP partners, much like Target Champions, make a powerful commitment by identifying and naming their specific contributions towards regional targets. They measure how many more children and young people will reach Cradle to Career outcomes as a result of their collaborative efforts. The process they follow is:

  • Define the Project Scope: Clarify project boundaries, deliverables, and objectives.
  • Set Goals and Targets: Establish clear and measurable goals aligned with cradle to career outcomes.
  • Develop an Action Plan: Create a detailed plan outlining steps, timelines, and responsibilities.
  • Determine Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Identify metrics to track progress and measure success.
  • Implement Ongoing Improvement: Continuously assess and refine strategies to enhance project effectiveness.
  • Ensure Sustainability and Scalability: Develop strategies to maintain and expand successful initiatives.

HIPs Slated to Launch in 2024

As projects are launched you will be able to find more detailed information on them on our site, use the link below to check out the “Increasing Learning at Work” page to see what this will look like.

Factor/Barrier(s) That Impacts Children and Young People Hitting Cradle to Career Milestones   HIP   Status
1. We have the four of the least funded school districts in the state in our region. They do not have the resources needed to support our students to the best of their ability.    Increase Public Education Funding for K12 Districts in RMP Region to Advance Cradle to Career Success   Launched
2.   Young people cannot thrive if they are engaged in the juvenile justice system. 

Our region does not have a safe, secure and supervised location for law enforcement to take youth to if they are runaways or have been contacted by law enforcement. 

Overall youth crime rates are going down, but the proportion of violent crimes committed by youth is going up 

  Incubate the Launch of a Youth Resource and Assessment Center to Wrap Youth and Families with the Supports Needed for Cradle to Career Success   Launched
3.   We know that apprenticeships work. 90% of apprentices who complete a Registered Apprenticeship retain employment, yielding a high return on investment for employers and industry leaders.

Each year, we need an additional 15K individuals earning skills and credentials in in-demand fields to meet projected employer needs

Only 33 employers in our region offer registered apprenticeships and they are concentrated in the Installation, Maintenance, and Repair (32%) and Construction and Extraction Occupations (26%)

Only 148 people in the RMP region complete each year, but there are over 700 new apprentices start each year, so this number should be higher

  Increase Learning at Work Opportunities Aligned Towards Earning a Skill or Credential   Launched
4.   There is a mismatch between skill development and needs of employers leads to skill shortages.

The skills that learners acquire upon graduation vary significantly across institutions, leading to inconsistent quality of training. As a result, employers cannot rely on a uniform standard of skills from graduates.

By 2030, it is predicted that only 42% of CTE participants will complete their program, compared to 66% of 2021 CTE participants.

  Expand Access to Training Sites, Ensure Consistency Across Skill Providers, and Improve Alignment Between Skill Providers & Employers   Launched
5.   Having a supportive and well-informed adult to navigate a young person’s educational and skill development journey is often the make-or-break factor that can determine their success.

In a national survey, only 47% of Gen Z learners said they had enough information to decide what pathway was best for them after high school

The national average caseload for college advising is more than 1:300. The caseload for a counselor in RMP’s major school districts is 1:431

  Improving Educational and Career Guidance to Equip Young People with the Supports They Need Along Their Journey to Earn a Skill or Credential   Launched
6.   Often there is stigma attached to specific sectors and entry-level positions and a lack of understanding around how skills acquired on the job contribute to advancement

Path to career progress is fragmented and difficult to navigate and young people do not know what opportunities exist or what factors they should consider in selecting a path that meets their goals and needs 

  Equip Learners With Clear Information to Make Informed Decisions about Skill and Credential Attainment and Career Pathways   Launched
7.   Too many people are forced to prioritize survival over chance to improve skills and earn a better living. 

Many learners start on a pathway to earning a credential but never finish. 

Insufficient opportunities for training and work-based learning and gaps in acknowledging skills gained through experience lead to limited pathways for career advancement

High cost of higher education / college debt continues to skyrocket

  Re-Engage Learners to Complete Credentials and Degrees   Not Launched
8.   Lack of high quality and safe out of school time opportunities   Increase Out-of-School Time Learning Opportunities to Accelerate Cradle to Career Success   Not Launched
9.   Chronic absenteeism   Reduce Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy to Increase Cradle to Career Success   Not Launched
10.    Lack of housing that is affordable disrupts education and skill development and contributes to high turnover rates, impacting productivity and talent retention

Limited homeownership opportunities hinder personal financial growth, sense of place, and community investment

  Remove housing barriers for individuals to pursue upskilling/reskilling opportunities 

Note: The specifics of this HIP are still being flushed out  



For More Information or to join one of these High Impact Projects reach out to Senior Director of Collaborative Action, Jody Nowicki at JodyNowicki@RMPBackbone.org.