RMP annual Target for the 2024-2025 School Year





At last year’s State of the Rocky Mountain Partnership Event, we proudly announced our ambitious target of ensuring 71,000 more children and young people up to age 35 in our region are meeting Cradle to Career milestones that are critical for upward mobility by 2030. In January 2024, we released our 2030 Strategic Plan, a clear roadmap to tackle regional challenges and help us be successful in meeting this target. Today, we are excited to share our annual target for the 2024-2025 school year as we continue to advance towards this goal!

What We Will Accomplish in the 2024-2025 School Year

In the 2024-2025 school year, we aim to help at least an additional 3,398 children and young people up to age 35, who are not currently meeting Cradle to Career milestones, achieve these critical steps for upward mobility.

By setting clear, measurable targets, we can better identify gaps, implement effective strategies, and celebrate our successes together.

Our 2024-2025 Targets Include:

  • Kindergarten Readiness: +233
  • Third Grade Reading Proficiency: +445
  • Eighth Grade Math Proficiency: +472
  • High School Graduation: +138
  • Enrollment in Skill Training or Education Programs: +467
  • Skill and Credential Attainment: +475
  • Employment at a Good Wage: +1,168

To reach our overall goal of 71,000 by 2030, we have broken down this target by year. Below is a table showing the full breakdown of our targets from now until 2030:

Join the Growing Network of Regional Target Champions

Regional Target Champions are entities or groups that set their own population-level targets aligning with at least one Cradle to Career milestone. These Champions play a critical role in advancing our shared regional goal of transforming the futures of young people.

Target Champions can include nonprofits, school districts, coalitions, local governments, neighborhood groups, businesses, and other organizations. They focus directly on impacting Cradle to Career outcomes and addressing barriers to youth success such as healthcare, basic needs, housing, food security, and juvenile justice, addressing barriers to youth success and driving meaningful change in our community.

What unites these Champions is their buy-in and belief that the shared target is everyone’s North Star. Through their dedicated efforts, Regional Target Champions ensure that every young person in our region has the opportunity to reach their full potential and achieve upward mobility.

To learn more about Regional Target Champions click here.

Here’s Who They Are

We are thrilled to announce that five entities have already signed up as Regional Target Champions. These champions are working with the RMP Team to set their targets and “know their number” towards the regional goal

How You Can Get Involved

Join our network of Regional Target Champions to help our region reach our shared goal!

By aligning your efforts to this shared goal, you can make a significant impact on the community and help young people achieve their full potential.

If you are interested in joining the growing network of Target Champions, use this link to complete an interest form and someone from the RMP team will reach out!

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