RMP Team

Gloria Moreira

Development Associate

Email Gloria Moreira

Gloria is a multi-faceted professional who brings a love of community to RMP. Originally from Florida, she moved to Colorado in 2023 to pursue her passion of working with non-profit organizations.

Her work at Exterior Visions in Colorado Springs focused on business development and the management of a venue that brought together artists, craftsmen, and environmentally conscious individuals through their Art-Education-Sustainability program.

While in Florida, she was a Gallery Manager dedicated to empowering artists of every genre that collaborated with the community that showcased local artists while bringing revenue to local businesses. Gloria was one of four to start SWFL’s Mural Fest which helped raise funds for local artists that were affected by Hurricane Ian in 2022.

Gloria has always been an active supporter of community values. She welcomes any and every opportunity to share what RMP has to offer.