RMP To Serve as Luncheon Keynote for Local Government Hispanic Network Biennial Conference 2021

The Opportunity

The Rocky Mountain Partnership has been invited to be the Luncheon Keynote at the Local Government Hispanic Network Biennial Conference 2021 on September 9.

Raymond Gonzales (Steering Committee Co-Chair & Economics & Workforce Development Co-Champion) currently serves as the President of the Executive Committee for the Board of Directors of this dynamic group of Hispanic/Latino local government administrators across the country.

A panel of leaders within the network will speak about the collective work happening through the Rocky Mountain Partnership. Network leaders are invited to attend and represent the Coalition of the Committed – contact Jody Nowicki at JodyNowicki@RMPBackbone.org to learn more.

Conference Details

Date: September 9, 2021

Time: Panel will take place between approximately 12:00 PM and 1:15 PM

Location: Hyatt Regency Aurora-Denver Conference Center

Expected Number of Attendees: Approximately 150

Panel Details

Title: Achieving Economic and Social Mobility through Collective Impact in the Wake of COVID-19

Description: This panel will highlight how one community is taking the devastating circumstances of the pandemic and is not only recovering from the damage, but harnessing the momentum left in the wake of the devastation to bring the community together to reflect and assess what truly is needed to improve economic and social mobility long-term, specifically for those most marginalized because of race, ethnicity, gender, zip code, disability or circumstance. The Rocky Mountain Partnership convenes regional leaders utilizing a collective impact framework to tear down unjust and inequitable systems. You’ll hear directly from county and municipal leaders and other cross-sector leaders within the Rocky Mountain Partnership on their data-driven approach to closing equity gaps, including the development of a scorecard that holds them accountable to achieving shared outcomes and how they co-develop strategies with the community members most affected by the decision making through a community empowerment matrix.

Contact Jody Nowicki at JodyNowicki@RMPBackbone.org to learn more about this opportunity.

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