On Thursday, April 13, the RMP Backbone Team will attend the Adams County Board of Health meeting to share about work underway through the Rocky Mountain Partnership to distribute funding […]
The target-setting subcommittee is receiving expert support from a management and technology firm to set measurable goals for the work and innovate RMP’s Opioid Data Hub
The target-setting subcommittee is determining when it will get together to discuss what measurable goals(s) the Adams County Opioid Council should be measuring progress towards. This includes (but is not […]
The Adams County Opioid Council presented their funding recommendations to the Adams County Board of Commissioners
Earlier this month, the Adams County Opioid Council made decisions on how to award $2.9 million through the Adams County Opioid Abatement Grant. Adams County Government is the fiscal agent […]
The housing data hub project team is receiving expert support from a management and technology firm to improve RMP’s Housing Data Hub
The housing data hub project team will come back together later in Q2 to continue work ensure community members are co-developing the Data Hub and sharing their voice and perspective […]
Data visualizations illustrating the number of affordable housing units within each locality in the RMP region will be available soon
This data tool will support elected officials and practitioners from across the region to: Compare the different affordable housing baselines provided by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs earlier this […]
Elected officials are coming together this Wednesday to learn more about Proposition 123
The RMP Regional Housing Roundtable, which is a group of local government and housing practitioners working to foster a regional approach to increasing the availability and accessibility of attainable housing, […]
The RMP Backbone Team is conducting interviews this week to find an Institute Director
These interviews will take place in a series of panels, through which qualified candidates are assessed on their abilities to: Design and facilitate capability building activities for a wide array […]
The Ranum Reimagined project team is exploring funding opportunities to support work underway to increase our region’s talent supply
As you may know, the RMP was selected as key partner supporting Westminster Public Schools in the development of an innovation and career and technical education campus called ‘Ranum Reimagined.’ […]
Adams 12 Five Star Schools is working with RMP to develop questions for focus groups with non-parents living in the Adams 12 community
As highlighted in a previous memo, Elena Mendoza has joined the RMP Backbone Team as its Director of Community Engagement. Elena is stepping into support work this project team is […]
The Talent Supply Data Hub Project Team is receiving expert support from a management and technology firm to innovate RMP’s existing hub
The talent supply data hub project team will come back together later in Q2 to continue work to further build upon and improve the Talent Supply Data Hub. In preparation […]