Advancing Policy Initiatives

Advancing Policy Initiatives

Advancing Policy Initiatives

We can only reach our 71K target by advancing policies that remove barriers preventing children and young people from achieving Cradle to Career milestones:

  • Kindergarten readiness
  • Third-grade reading proficiency
  • Eighth-grade math proficiency
  • High school graduation
  • Enrollment in and completion of skill training or education programs
  • Employment at a sustainable wage

This means addressing policy issues at every level – organizational, local, regional, state, and federal.

Our approach includes:

  • Using data to turn insights into actionable policy recommendations
  • Forming a statewide Cradle-to-Career Policy Coalition to strengthen our impact on policy at all levels
  • Civic Influencer Fellowship Program and advocacy

Our Policy Priorities

  1. Secure funding for public education from cradle to career
  2. Expand skill training and work-based learning opportunities
  3. Reduce housing barriers that disrupt education and employment

How We Engage in Policy Work

  • Network Backing: Mobilizing 50+ organizations to issue letters of support, testify, and take action both as the network and through their own organizations.
  • Civic Influencers: Engaging young leaders most impacted by policies to testify, educate and mobilize community members to engage with policy and take action (such as registering to vote).
  • Data-Driven Insights: Providing impact assessments, fact sheets, and outcome analyses to inform decisions and educate stakeholders.
  • Compelling Messaging: Combining data and partner insights to showcase the benefits, drawbacks, or unintended consequences of proposed or enacted policies.
  • National Expertise: Leveraging proven strategies from StriveTogether and networks from across the country.

Questions? Contact Senior Director of Collaborative Action, Emily Sanders at or Senior Director of Strategic Supports, Ashley Edinger at