The Collective Work


RMP has set an ambitious target to ensure an additional 71,000 children and young people (up to age 35) who are not currently meeting Cradle to Career milestones, achieve these critical steps for upward mobility.

Economic and social mobility is multifaceted. As part of the national StriveTogether Network, we recognize the following milestones are critical for individuals to meet along their journey to economic and social mobility. These milestones double as the metrics our network uses to tell us if someone is on the path to being economically and socially mobile.

An estimated 123,000 young people up to age 35 are NOT on a path to economic and social mobility, meaning they are not meeting these milestones. If no action is taken, this number is expected to intensify even more by the year 2030.

By setting smaller targets for each Cradle to Career Outcome, we can track progress towards our overall goal of 71K. This helps us focus on where we need to make the most impact and understand where there are gaps in each area.

These are not the only metrics that matter across communities; there are many additional factors that impact a young person’s ability to experience upward economic mobility, which we continue to track through the RMP Scorecard

What We Are Aiming to Achieve in 2024

We’ve detailed the breakdown of our overarching goal of 71,000 by 2030 for each Cradle to Career Outcome area annually, as illustrated in the chart below.

Our 2024 Annual Target for 2024 is 3,398. Both Regional Target Champions and High Impact Projects (HIPs) are pivotal in achieving both the overall regional target of 71,000 and the individual annual target of 3,398 for 2024.