RMP’s Civic Influencer Model

RMP’s Civic Influencer Model

What is RMP’s Civic Influencer Model?

In a landscape of disconnected decisions and eroding trust, our Civic Influencer model emerges as a powerful solution. Young people, often sidelined in decision-making, face barriers to economic and social mobility.

Civic Influencers are young people aged 16-24 who are impacted by the challenges RMP exists to address who receive training, mentoring, and resources to become effective civic regional leaders and decision makers and springboard into leadership roles across the community.

What do Civic Influencers Do?

Civic Influencers go beyond advocacy; they are architects of change.

Specifically they:

  • Join forces with cross-sector leaders and other community members to influence, shape, and execute transformational efforts in the RMP region
  • Engage in and Lead High Impact Projects (HIPs) to advance RMP’s regional goals
  • Collect and amplify a wide range of community voices to inform and drive RMP’s HIPs
  • Play a pivotal role in advancing policy changes that address the most significant challenges facing our region; this includes mobilizing the community to take action and leading education and awareness 
  • Springboard into leadership positions (both elected and appointed) across the region

This grassroots approach not only deepens understanding but also fosters shared responsibility.

Who are the current Civic Influencers? 

Click the button below to view our current Civic Influencers!

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Graduates are Certified as Civic Influencers

Once youth complete their 12-month academy, they graduate and become certified Civic Influencers, where they have the opportunity to remain involved as long as they’d like! 

They are supported to springboard into leadership positions across the region that align with their personal and professional goals and passions, and they have the opportunity to remain connected to the network through:

  • Ongoing training and development opportunities
  • Quarterly meetings and Civic Influencer convenings
  • Participation on project teams and advocacy activities

What is an example of Civic Influencers affecting community change?

RMP is committed to not only arming our decision makers, but also our Civic Influencers with sophisticated information needed to take action. For example, in fall of 2022, RMP’s Civic Influencers leveraged insights from an impact assessment to modify and target messaging out in the community in order to help pass a mill levy override for the third least funded school district in Colorado.

Communities across the nation are captivated by how 27J Schools and RMP mobilized a community coalition to help secure $17.7+ million annually for the third least funded school district in Colorado. This includes how the coalition leveraged a youth policy impact assessment to inform their action.

Our story was featured in four national highlights co-produced with StriveTogether (RMP’s national affiliate) and Kids Impact Initiative (a key technical assistance partner).

CASE STUDY: Rocky Mountain Partnership Wins on Ballot Measure by Centering Youth: How They Did It PODCAST: RMP’s CEO talks Economic and Social Mobility on the ‘Together for Change’ Podcast
Co-produced with Kids Impact Initiative and StriveTogether, this briefing document tells the story of how RMP used a youth-centered strategy – including a youth impact assessment and youth-led coalition – to help pass a local school ballot measure in November 2022. In anepisode of the Together for Change podcast, Jennifer Blatz, president and CEO of StriveTogether, Lisandra Gonzales, CEO of Rocky Mountain Partnership, and Simon Tam, senior director of marketing and communications at StriveTogether, discuss the importance of economic mobility and getting better results in social impact work.
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REPORT: Impact Rising: Stories from the Network – Young Leaders Making an Impact FACT SHEET: Youth Impact Assessments: Putting Kids Front and Center in Policy Discussions
StriveTogether’s 2022 Annual Report highlights how RMP is making a profound impact on K-12 outcomes by building civic infrastructure with a coalition of youth and community members. Kids Impact Initiative’s fact sheet dives into the value of youth impact assessments, and highlights how a number of communities, including RMP, are using them to understand the impact of policies on youth.
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How can I become a Civic Influencer?

Are you a young person between the ages of 16 and 24, and are interested in collaborating with decision-makers to create a ripple effect of positive change?

Complete our application by clicking the buttons below!

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How can I sponsor the Civic Influencer Program?

As proud members of the Rocky Mountain Partnership Civic Influencer Council, we are on a mission to create real change in our community. We invite you to be a crucial part of this transformative journey by becoming a sponsor for our Civic Influencer program.

Click the button below to learn more.

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How can I stand up an Affiliate Civic Influencer Network?

Investing Partners at the Mobility Advocate level and up receive comprehensive support and guidance to seamlessly launch and support a Civic Influencer Network within their organization; includes access to a comprehensive toolkit and coaching / technical assistance from the RMP Team. For entities not investing, the same support is available at a start up cost of $5,000 and $2,500 annually.

Entities who become Civic Influencer Network Partners receive: 

    • Access to Civic Influencer Branding and Toolkit Resources
    • Access to Direct Technical Assistance Hours as they work to stand up their own Civic Influencer Network
    • Monthly Civic Influencer Community of Practice calls for affiliate networks
    • Monthly Civic Influencer Office Hours to get additional support from RMP
    • Ability to participate in Civic Influencer Network Convenings, and support their Civic Influencers to participate in a Civic Influencer Convening

Interested in standing up a Civic Influencer Network within your organization or community? Reach out to Ashley Edinger at AshleyEdinger@RMPBackbone.org or 970.515.9892 to learn more!

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Contact Ashley Edinger, Senior Director of Institute and Strategic Supports, AshleyEdinger@RMPBackbone.org, with additional questions or to learn more.