Apply for COSI’s ‘Back to Work’ Grant

The Colorado Scholarship Opportunity Initiative (COSI) has announced a new funding opportunity to support displaced workers. Approximately $15 million dollars is available to fund organizations to provide participants with wraparound and financial support to access and complete their credentials or degrees.

This funding opportunity aligns with work underway through the Partnership around Credential Attainment and Work-Based Learning. The Partnership is encouraging network partners engaged in the collective work to apply.

What are the grant details?

This grant is part of our Community Partner Program. It will include funding for grantees to provide participants with wraparound and financial support to access and complete their credentials or degree within the grant term. The funds will support a three-year grant term to begin in the fall of 2021 and continue through June 30, 2024. Providers will be asked to focus on 225 student completions. Non-profit organizations – 501(c)(3) or 501 (c)(4) -, state agencies and community partnerships are invited to apply.

What will the award package include?

The award package will include support with outreach and recruitment, funds to hire or modify an existing position to provide programming/services, and financial support for program participants. Also included are funds to support infrastructure and build-out programs aligned with future jobs and programs highly impacted by the pandemic and unemployment.

Who is eligible to participate?

To be eligible to participate in the program, individuals must have been displaced by the COVID-19 pandemic. The participant must meet the COSI pell-eligibility requirement of 0-250% and is a new, re-engaged, or currently enrolled student. The participant must enroll at a Colorado public institution of higher education and complete a credential or degree in one of Colorado’s Top Jobs, prioritizing health care, education, information technology, and jobs with the most significant projected annual opportunities.

Click the button below to learn more and apply.

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